righty, updatifications!!
felt like home straight away...took us a week to get all our stuff in and now its just...good. really really good.
i can walk to town when i need to,
walk the dogs easily,
we have a dishwasher, not having to wash up is saving my nails!
a fire that's just a push of a button away..not as nice as a real fire, but PFFT, who gives one? i don't have coal all over my hands anymore. :D
next door have a cherry blossom tree which sends THE most glorious smells into our kitchen :) and its cute watching the puppy get petals stuck to her nose ^_^
i have a seewwwiing room :D woop!
unfortunatly i cant find the card reader so no pics yet :(
god damn shes cute

she was soooooo small, kind of like a guinea pig with longer legs and shorter fur. but now shes quite big..comparitivly, i mean, shes still the size of a rabbit, and cute as hell..but yay :D she goes all wriggley and wierd when shes happy to see you..nice.
3) three orders for things sinse we moved in :) good going!
- petticoat for one of my beautiful best friends. it was a birthday present, so not a money maker, but twas fun to make :) only made the brown bit...id post a pic of the full thing, but its a tad see through...teheh. its made from brown tulle, two layers, three tiers, on a white silk very short high waisted skirt? and brown ribbon to tie it at the side. yummeh!
i got the tutorial from here: shes totally awesome, you should follow her too!! and buy her dresses ;) - some latin dance shirts, thats still in progress as the guy is on holiday, just need him to try on the mock ups and thats a done job.
- a corset, YAY :D. a lovely friend of friend of friend messaged me, and shes coming to see me on tuesday. i feel optimistic :).
oh yah, one of my birthday presents off my best friend was BEARDYMAN TICKETS, yeeaahhhboi! for any of you who havnt heard of him...
he beatboxes, and uses only his voice to create songs. AWESOMNESS. yes.
and thats it for now....until i find the bloody card readers...
love x