- steps leading upto the front of it..in the city? steps with metal rails, leading to a red front door with a brass lion head knocker and the handle in the middle of the door. in the country? WIDE stone steps with plants lining the sides..leading upto big huge wooden front doors, with lions head knockers on both sides and a rope to pull to make the door bell go.
- a pond in the garden, with lilly pads and frog spawn in spring and goldfish that grow REALLY big..but not the kind of pond that has a plastic bottom and a water feature trickling off some rocks...like a big big pond thats entirely stone, perhaps with a feature in the middle? OR stepping stones across it, big enough to sit on...yes. ooh and dragon flies would visit.
- a basement, for our home cinema, one huge room with a projector and a silk screen, with a whole LOAD of bean bags and huge sofas and wing backed chairs.yesyesyes. (this one i actually have to give credit to my mum for)
- enough spare rooms to afford us room for a photography studio, a sewing room and a painting room, with enough room for 2 spare bedrooms.
- a roll top bath. a big.deep.roll.top.bath.
- a wet room. who couldnt live with a wet room? theyre awesome.
- garden big enough for 5 dogs to be happy bombing about
- to have a stables for a horse not too far away
- loft space for when visiting children stay, clean, non-spidery/creepy loft space of course, with cool stuff in there.yepyep.
- an entrance big enough to have a stand up piano in it
- a ball room with a grand piano in it..
- a living room full of mis-matched (matching non matching..yanno) sofas and chairs and a big box for blankets and a HUGE real fire. (that's one thing i WILL miss when i leave this house...reeaaalll fire)
- a library..but that would also be on of the spare rooms...a big old room with wooden floors, a fire place and desk, and shelves and shelves of books on the walls surrounding a four poster bed.
- a big kitchen with a table and chairs at one end and the practical end with a huge island in it...the kitchen is the heart of the home, and it is where everyone congregates if possible..(not surprising really when you have food, water and warmth there...generally anyway.)
- for it to be old..at least 70 years..so its not all crappy and cheaply made.
yesterday me and my veryvery good friend Amelia Tyler, (her blog) went for a country stomp, down some country lanes, with my dawg for some good old chit chat and fresh air. and we got to talking about 'future life' stuff..like, marriage and babies and thinggggs like that. (Milly is very good at setting my head straight)...I was telling her, how i feel about 24, not NEARLY 21, and everyones always saying ''you've got your whole life ahead of you..'' and im like yyyeeeaaahhh i know. but then yesterday, milly said ''well..yeah, but you dont have to be the clubbing and traveling type, what if you ARE a homebod type..''. WHY I HADN'T I THOUGHT THIS BEFORE????! yeah...i don't want to go traveling, i want to go on holiday. i don't LOVE clubbing and i can live without it. i am in agreement that i don't want babies yet..because once you have a child, it IS your life..essentially you don't get to choose anymore. whats best for the kid, is whats best for you. end. but what if i do want to have a house and make it nice to be able to have my peoples around me? that IS what i love, and shes right.. SO, today is ACTUALLY the start of the rest of my life... working my way toward my own beautiful space to have my own beautiful people around me.
sorry that wasnt better worded, i didnt sleep much last night, had wierd fighty/avatary/transformery dreams.
sounds like a beautiful dream house!