For a few months now, iv been following the blog of a mother to a crystal child, and its one of the most fascinating blogs iv ever come across. Alexis manages to share funny stories that always include insight of some sort without getting heavy. her blog link is in the side bar or here. i find her writing style really easy to read, and she thankfully checks through it for typos :). anyway, there have been a few posts on meditations recently, don't be scared by the mention that they're for mums, i do them and they're fab! really awesome...anyway, here's the latest one i felt compelled to post.
i highly recommend doing the two other meditations as well! i find the molten gold really works for me.
anyway, here it is :)
''This is part three of my series on meditation for moms. Read here for part one, in which I outline a grounding exercise to get you started, and here for part two, in which I describe the process of running your energy to clear out the energetic clutter in your system. These are the first two stages in my morning meditation practice. Once I've grounded myself and run my energy, I'm ready to focus on each chakra.

A chakra is basically an energetic center in the physical body, and each one corresponds to a different aspect of ourselves. I like to think of chakras as spherical battery packs. When we open ourselves up to universal energy, spirit, God, whatever you want to call your source, it's like plugging our batteries into a master charger. It powers us up and helps us run better. When we go for a while without charging our batteries, things start to malfunction and, just like our children's toys, we start to slow down, say things we didn't intend to say, make weird noises. In the process, we make life annoying for everyone else around us.
Depending on which spiritual tradition you consult, there are seven or eight of these chakras, and some say there are many more. The number of chakras most people are familiar with is seven, and that's what I generally work with. I picture them as layers of energy spinning in all directions within a sphere – sort of like a cross between those old science models of electrons orbiting the nucleus of an atom and round gears like in a clock. When I power them up, they spin quickly, gain momentum, and their light glows brightly. When I haven't recharged in a while, it's like the gears get stuck and can't move freely like they're supposed to, and then they don't light up.
There are many ways of working with the chakras. For brevity's sake, I'm going to keep it simple to get you started. Ready?
Chakra Focus
1st Chakra – Root or Base Chakra
Where is it? To figure out where your root chakra is located, sit upright on a hard chair. That part of you that touches the chair is where your base or root chakra is located.
What's this chakra about? This chakra connects you to earth energy, and relates to issues of safety and survival. The color of this chakra is red.
What do I do with it? Take your attention to this area. Imagine the red sphere turning in a counterclockwise direction. As it turns, imagine it glowing brighter (red) and growing bigger. Once it feels like it's spinning freely, enjoy that movement for a moment, and then reverse the direction of the sphere.
2nd Chakra – Sacral Chakra
Where is it? It's basically where your uterus sits (if you're not currently pregnant).
What's this chakra about? Guess! It's about creation, (as in creating babies) and personal power. It's orange. For a ton of great information on the 2
nd chakra and its powerful significance for women, visit Mommy Mystic's blog.
This post might be a good place to start. (Also, her
mp3 guided chakra meditation series is fantastic! I use her mp3s often when I find myself a bit scattered and unable to focus on my own. )
What do I do with it? Just like with the 1
st chakra, take your attention to this area. Imagine the orange sphere turning in a counterclockwise direction. As it turns, imagine it glowing brighter (orange) and growing bigger. Once it feels like it's spinning freely, enjoy that movement for a moment, and then reverse the direction of the sphere.
An additional thing I like to do, especially for this chakra, is to imagine the spinning action to act like a vortex drawing back in all of the energy I've leaked out from this chakra; drawing back my power. As women, we give a lot away from this energy center.
3rd Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra
Where is it? Point to where you feel it when you get a "gut feeling." That's where this one is. (If you don't get gut feelings, it's in your belly.)
What's this chakra about? This chakra is about emotion, personality, and action toward goals. I imagine it like a big yellow sun that beams its energy out to the world and receives beams of energy back. This chakra acts as a receiver for nonverbal information. Some of us feel our intuition strongest through this chakra.
What do I do with it? Just like with the others, take your attention to this area. Imagine the yellow sphere turning in a counterclockwise direction. As it turns, imagine it glowing brighter (yellow) and growing bigger. Once it feels like it's spinning freely, enjoy that movement for a moment, and then reverse the direction of the sphere.
4th Chakra – Heart Chakra
Where is it? This chakra is generally in the same place as your heart, but right in the center of your chest and a bit higher than where the physical heart sits. Try this: Without thinking about it, say "me" and point to yourself. That's your heart chakra you're pointing to.
What's this chakra about? This one is about love and compassion, particularly self-love. It's green.
What do I do with it? Take your attention to this area. Imagine the green sphere turning in a counterclockwise direction. As it turns, imagine it glowing brighter (green) and growing bigger. Once it feels like it's spinning freely, enjoy that movement for a moment, and then reverse the direction of the sphere.
An additional thing I like to do for this chakra is to imagine my favorite flower (a gerber daisy) as a tight little bud. As I breathe into the heart chakra, I imagine the flower opening wide, and I feel the physical sensation of opening this chakra. Once I feel that tingly open feeling, I send that open, loving energy to someone I love, or someone in need of love, and I imagine it flowing back and forth between us in waves, the energy intensifying as in goes from one to the other. You can use your favorite flower. If you want to learn more about why this works so well, (and it does!) read up on
5th Chakra – Throat Chakra
Where is it? There aren't many options here. It's in your throat.
What's this chakra about? This chakra is about expression and communication. It's a bright sky-blue.
What do I do with it? Take your attention to this area. Imagine the bright blue sphere turning in a counterclockwise direction. As it turns, imagine it glowing brighter (blue) and growing bigger. Just because it's in your throat, doesn't mean it's smaller than the others. It can extend far past your physical body. Once it feels like it's spinning freely, enjoy that movement for a moment, and then reverse the direction of the sphere. If you're feeling blocked in this area, like you can't express who you really are or what you really feel, you can do some different breathing while you're focused on this chakra. As you exhale, try making some loud sighing noises or saying, "haaah!" to physically support the clearing of this energy.
6th Chakra – Third Eye Chakra
Where is it? This one is between and slightly above your eyes.
What's this chakra about? This chakra is about intuition, intelligence and perception. It helps us develop our psychic abilities. While the 3rd chakra governs the "gut feeling" kind of intuition, the 6th chakra relates to more clearly seeing the truth, and being able to perceive things about people and events without a logical way of knowing. People with well-developed psychic abilities "see" and receive intuitive information through their third eye. It's a deep purply-blue, or indigo.
What do I do with it? Take your attention to this area. Imagine the indigo blue sphere turning in a counterclockwise direction. As it turns, imagine it glowing brighter (indigo) and growing bigger. Once it feels like it's spinning freely, enjoy that movement for a moment, and then reverse the direction of the sphere.
7th Chakra – Crown Chakra
Where is it? This one sits at the crown of your head.
What's this chakra about? This chakra represents our connection to the divine, and is most often depicted as a thousand-petalled lotus, wide open to receive universal energy and support. It is either lavender or white. I like to see it as an iridescent, sparkly white with lavender undertones. J
What do I do with it? Take your attention to this area. Imagine a giant sparkling lotus with its open petals supporting a large white sphere turning in a counterclockwise direction. As it turns, imagine it glowing brighter (white) and growing bigger. Once it feels like it's spinning freely, enjoy that movement for a moment, and then reverse the direction of the sphere.
When you've completed powering up all seven chakras, imagine closing a little window in front of all but the 1
st and 7
th chakras. In other words, the chakras keep spinning, but you've protected them from the energy of other people and events. To use the battery metaphor again, you're putting a little plug protector on them so others can't plug into your vibrant energy and drain it. However, always keep your root chakra open to keep you grounded to earth energy, and your crown chakra open to keep you connected to universal energy.
Whew! That was a lot of information for one blog post. Once you do this a few times, you'll remember the chakras and colors and it won't take you long at all to power them all up. It's not really that crucial to remember the meanings of each of the chakras at this point. You'll feel the results either way.
Let me know how this feels for you. I'd also love to know if this was clear or confusing for you. This is subtle work, and translating it into words is more challenging than I'd thought. I'd like to include a version of this in my book, and your feedback on how I communicated these concepts would be really helpful. Thanks!
Happy meditating''
i hope everyone enjoys that :)
love, liz x
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