Sunday 4 October 2009

mind mumblings

So, new place to blog..i think i have a million of these. but i havn't blogged properly since i had a deadjournal? and when i look back on it, i sound so young..i was annoying..BUT its really nice reading how i was feeling at the time, or what i was going through..its amazing what i don't remember! then i used Myspace..i think i might upload a lot of those entries into here, some of them were...deep thoughts i had..which i still find relevant. i also recently set up a LJ community for spiritual people, gotta get the word out about that one.

Annnndd SO, this blog will be to get me thinking again.

My thoughts this morning, are of friends..people that make effort, people who don't. This is something that crops up quite a lot in my life. People making an effort and people not. I make as much effort as possible, i don't mind getting trains to see people, as i can't drive.. but what annoys me is when people who do drive make me get a train and then walk to their house to see them.. i don't mind doing it, so long as they come see me as well, but so few people do. i started thinking about all this again, because yesterday i started reading a book called 'Tuesdays with Morrie' which I'm REALLY enjoying, its about a man who had a college professor who he gets on with really really well, but..the man graduated college and lost contact, until he prof. is dying and is on TV. wont go into the storyline in case anyone wants to read it..i do recommend it for anyone interested in life meanings and lessons. when Morrie finds out hes going to die, he holds a 'living funeral' because he wanted to people to say the nice things that people say at funerals to his face.. which i thought was an awesome concept.. people have such beautiful things to say about people once they've died, but I'm sure everyone could do with hearing it every single day before they die!
Also...when people get ill and are going to die, most people suddenly make the effort to see them.when people suddenly and unexpectedly die, people regret not spending more time with them, etc etc etc... well exactly!!!! see people more! avoid the regret, be safe in the knowledge you shared all your loving thoughts with them. tell her that lipstick looks awesome, or that dress...tell him hes funny or one of your best friends. positive attracts positive..and i cant think of a much faster way to feeling good and love.

It makes me want people to have pre-death parties, because people don't even make the effort on birthdays anymore do they? people have that laid back ''iv got next year'' approach.. i know, there's a percentage who don't have that mindset..but its upsetting for the friends of friends who do.

''well who wins??''
he smiled. his crinkly eyes. his crooked teeth..
''love wins. love always wins''


(for anyone that reads this..if anyone does, sorry if it has no correlation or doesn't make sense..its literally as it comes into my head)

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